Valtice Wine Markets

Valtické vinné trhy vizuál

The Valtice wine markets are the oldest and at the same time one of the largest wine exhibitions in our country. Typically more than 800 samples are evaluated by tasters at the castle in Valtice.

The tradition of exhibitions in Valtice dates back to 1858

The tradition of exhibitions in Valtice dates back to 1858, and the current tradition of Valtice wine markets started in 1967 when the tradition of this wine show began. The competition has a total of 13 categories, where a wine can win a Grand Prix, Gold, Silver or Bronze medal. This competition has a very strong influence on the wine trade and the Czech wine market. It takes place in the Valtice chateau. One part of the competition is an annual attempt to break the record in a chain of glasses topped with a medal winning wine.