The Educational Trail of the Pavlov Vineyards and Wine Cellars old

Should you wish to see the places whence the wines of Pavlov emanate, then you should take a wander along the educational trail of the Pavlov vineyards and wine cellars. It measures just 3 km, has seven stopping points and all you need is about an hour and a half to accomplish this.

Trail characteristics

You will become acquainted with local vineyard tracks and also the history of Pavlov winemaking, we will reveal the singular terroir of Pálava and show you the most cultivated grape varieties and also the most striking spots in Pavlov and its surroundings. Apart from wine from the local winemakers you will also take away some unforgettable memories from the rendez-vous in the local cellars and vineyards themselves, that is from the places where our wines were born, mature and are produced.

You can download the content of the individual information panels and a detailed guide from the web pages of the Pavlov commune here.