Invitation to wine events in February 2023

Dear fans of wines from Moravia and Bohemia, let us invite you again to selected events in February. After a busy presidential marathon, it is necessary to relax with a glass of good wine from our production. So do not hesitate to visit one of the events offered this month.

Opening of the 23rd Salon of Wines of the Czech Republic
3 February, Valtice, Wine Salon of the Czech Republic, Chateau 1
The 23rd edition of the Wine Salon of the Czech Republic will be open to the general public for the first time on the first Friday in February from 10.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. On this day you can taste for the first time the new collection of 100 wines awarded with the gold medal of the Salon of Wines of the Czech Republic 2023.Salon vín 2023

Wine Ball
4 February, Čejkovice (Hodonín district), cultural house of Zemědělské a.s. Čejkovice
A social experience with a cultural programme awaits you at the Wine Ball. The Túfaranka brass band will play for dancing from 7 p.m., the Grajcár dulcimer music will play in the wine bar, you can look forward to a rich raffle and tasting of new wines from the production of Čejkovice winemakers.

Game feast
9 - 12 February, Bukovany, Hotel Bukovanský mlýn
In our country, the game feast has become a traditional event held at least twice a year! From Thursday you can taste a selection of traditional and less traditional venison specialties in the Mill Restaurant, which are not only pleasing to the eye but above all to the taste.

Vinařská zabjačka
11 February, Němčičky (Břeclav district), Němčičky 176

Vinařství Víno J. Stávek in Němčičky cordially invites you to the Vintners' Slaughter on Saturday 11 February 2023 from 10.00 to 19.00 at the Vintners' Court.

Musical evening with dulcimer
18 February, Valtice, Valtické Podzemí, Vinařská č.ev. 47

We start in Valtice Podzemí. You will taste carnival and killing specialties and excellent wines.

Tour de Sklep
18 February, Popice, cellar street

Traditional walk through the cellars in the wine-growing village of Popice for the fifteenth time. Start at 12.00 pm, end at 7.00 pm. Tickets on sale from 11.00 a.m. at the municipal office. Admission includes: glass, nosegay, map, pen and wine coupons. There will be a minimum of 100 wine samples to taste. Refreshments will be provided on site.

Easter in the Jablonec Wine House
22 February - 1. March, Jablonec nad Nisou, Komenského 23

Easter decoration, wine Easter - ideal for moreideal for Easter meditation and feasting, wine tasting of the new vintage, rosé wines and cocktails. Wine refreshments. Seating in the 4 cellars under the House of Wine. Please see website and fcb for current schedule.

Trebenický košt
25 February, Třebenice, town hall
The second year of the Trebenický košt will again offer wines from several winemakers from Bohemia. Winemakers from Žernosky, Podkrušnohoří, Roudnice and of course Třebenice will come.

Overview of wine events

► For a complete list of all wine events, please see our CALENDAR OF WINEMAKING EVENTS.



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