Rulandské modré

Winery Stávek Pavel and Radim
Rulandské modré

Rulandské modré, 2022

Winery Stávek Pavel and Radim
Red wine
Pinot Noir
Selection of grapes

About winemaker

Our wine company is based on the tradition of family winemaking that has been with us since 1880. Since 1993, we have started to restore and plant vineyards. In 1998 we started the construction of a new wine farm, which is currently completed. We are focused on producing high quality, appellation, vintage and specialty wines. Our company philosophy is simple respect for nature, quality of wine and services related to wine tourism.

Basic characteristics of wine

It is said that Pinot Noir came to us in the 14th century during the reign of Charles IV. However, the authenticity of this information has never been proven. In our country, it is grown in all wine-growing subregions, the most widespread is in the Velkopavlovice and Mikulov regions. Pinot Noir from the vicinity of Mělník, Litoměřice, in Moravia from the Bzenecko and Mutěnice regions are excellent.

Wine profile
